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Partner per Comenius in Svezia
Istituto svedese cerca partner per programma Comenius 200706/03/2006 Europa Comenius

Istituto svedese cerca partner per programma Comenius 2007

L'Istituto scolastico Ferlinskolan del Comune di Filipstad (Svezia) cerca partner per un progetto da presentare nell'ambito del Programma Comenius, volto alla lotta contro la xenofobia ed il razzismo.

Qualora interessati o per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di contattare direttamente i sottoindicati referenti del progetto,
Mr Kenneth Bäcksten, Kenneth.Backsten@edu.filipstad.se Tel: 004.659.061.496
or Ms Anita Rolén, anita.rolen@edu.filipstad.se Tel: 004.659.061.496
e informando cortesemente questo ufficio.

Partner Search from Filipstad municipality, Sweden
Programme: Comenius
Contact person:

Name: Anita Rolén and Kenneth Backsten

title/profession: Teachers

E-mail: anita.rolen@edu.filipstad.se Kenneth.Backsten@edu.filipstad.se

Telephone: 004659061498 or 004659061496

Address: Ferlinskolan, Rektor Furuskogsgata 2, S68233 Filipstad, Sweden

Website: www.ferlinskolan.se


Ferlinskolan, a school with approximately 540 pupils in the age of 12 – 16.

Project idea:

We have identified problems concerning racism and xenophobia in our school and we feel that we are forced to do something about it and promote democracy. One of the reasons is the presence of undemocratic groups in our neighbourhood. Yearly two teachers and about ten pupils are visiting Auschwitz as an education to prevent Nazism, racism and bulling. Afterwards they inform the other pupils about their experience. These pupils are also working as pilots convincing other pupils to not join Nazi and other undemocratic groups. We think it is important to learn by history, as they say in Auschwitz: "The one who does not remember history is bound to live through it again." (George Santayana)

Our project idea is to extent the work against xenophobia and racism, experience other cultures to increase understanding for other cultures. We strongly believe that a meeting between people from different cultures, with different languages and with different religions promote understanding and prevent fear. We are looking for partner schools to exchange ideas, experiences and later we want our pupils to visit the partner schools and the pupils from the partner schools to visit us.

Our intention is also to educate the teachers in discovering and prevent threat against democracy.

Partners searched:

We are interested in all participating countries in the Comenius/Socrates programme

Key words: Cooperation to prevent xenophobia, exchange pupils and teachers, educate teachers
Project period: Initial preparatory meetings 2006 with the aim of submitting a joint Comenius school project/school development project starting 2007
 [Altre informazioni]

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  • Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per l'Umbria
    Viale Carlo Manuali, 4
    06121 Perugia

  • Codice Fiscale 94094990549

  • Codice IPA: m_pi
    Codice AOO: AOODRUM

  • Codici fatturazione elettronica
    contabilità generale FQ7HPL
    contabilità ordinaria GBY4BZ
2001-2020 Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per l'Umbria